( David Myriad Rosenbaum - davidmyriad.tripod.com/myriads.font.page.html )
A bold, decorative font inspired by ancient scripts with angular, geometric shapes.
Scaricare 74 Downloads@WebFont -
( Dingfontbats )
A playful, decorative font with characters in heart-shaped balloons held by bunnies.
Scaricare 62 Downloads@WebFont -
( GeelynEdits - plus.google.com/u/0/108461348931992643310/ )
A playful, handwritten font with rounded, consistent strokes and a casual style.
Scaricare 66 Downloads@WebFont -
( Genshichi Yasui - www.jttk.zaq.ne.jp/babwp701/hpfont/font.html )
A geometric, futuristic font with bold, angular letterforms.
Scaricare 107 Downloads@WebFont -
( Glyphobet Font Foundry - glyphobet.net/typography/ )
A digital, segmented font with a futuristic, LED display style.
Scaricare 115 Downloads@WebFont -
( Jaz - www.geocities.com/athens/pantheon/5812/carrollfont/ )
A whimsical dingbat font with imaginative symbols inspired by Lewis Carroll.
Scaricare 34 Downloads@WebFont -
( Johan Winge - home.student.uu.se/jowi4905/ )
A decorative script inspired by Tolkien's Elvish writing, featuring elegant, flowing characters.
Scaricare 40 Downloads@WebFont -
( Johan Winge - home.student.uu.se/jowi4905/ )
A bold, decorative script inspired by the Tengwar script with intricate and flowing characters.
Scaricare 43 Downloads@WebFont -
( Johan Winge - home.student.uu.se/jowi4905/ )
A decorative script with flowing, ornate characters inspired by elvish writing.
Scaricare 45 Downloads@WebFont -
( London's Letters - www.londonsletters.com/ )
A whimsical font with characters displayed on notepads held by cartoon figures, perfect for playful projects.
Scaricare 24 Downloads@WebFont
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